Beyond Hiring - Delegate like a BOSS
You did it. You hired someone!!! Raise the trumpets and celebrate!!!
I could talk about hiring all day long because I’m so passionate about it. But the real work, the journey I hope you will embark on, is in the mountain you need to climb now: learning to delegate to your new team member.
It’s a new skill that you need to acquire if you want to feel less overwhelmed in your business. Flip the script on it being “hard” and give yourself permission to step into learning how to delegate from a place of curiosity and adventure and take it one step at a time, like you would a hike in nature.
Delegation is a muscle
Like any new habit, it takes repetitive commitment to this task to make it stick. But, the muscle grows quickly and is addictive… you just have to commit to the process.
I believe that delegation is truly an art… and the more you allow yourself to creatively dive into it, I believe you will feel less stuck and fearful. Pause for a minute and think about the definition of “art.” Googling the definition, I came across two fun definitions:
the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, and
the conscious use of skill and creative imagination especially in the production of aesthetic objects.
By definition, the word delegation means “the act of empowering one to act on behalf of another.” This is where the strategy comes into play. This is where you can take strategic steps to get things off your plate. By delegating, you are:
Assigning a task,
Assigning the responsibility,
Asking them to own the results, and, finally,
Assigning them the outcome.
Step #1 - Adjust Your Mindset
Stop choosing to see delegation as pain. Remember, you want to be doing things in your Zone of Genius and you want your team to be doing things in their Zone of Genius. Let delegation feel good and be an expression of the feminine spirit to seek support from others, rather than making it a masculine “to do” task.
Step #2: Choose a task - but start small.
Start with tasks that are…
→ low-stakes
→ simple
→ easy to capture
Start by choosing a low-stakes task that you can assign. You don't want to start handing over things to team members that are what we call “high-stakes”, especially if they are brand new. When they are new, start with really small tasks so that you can test their abilities and form a communication pattern. Handing over things that are lower stakes tasks, responsibilities, and/or decisions will also help you with releasing control.
Step #3: Choose a Person - the Right Person - for the Job!
In order to choose the appropriate person, ask questions such as:
Which tasks can team members do as well or better than me? (in their zone of genius but not mine)
Which tasks will develop individuals and help them grow?
Which tasks are routine and which tasks will appeal to team members?
Remember, delegation also benefits the person you are delegating to and not just yourself. It is an equal exchange of energy!
Step #4: Set Clear Objectives & Create a Plan / Timeline!
Delegating will be less risky if you tell your team where they’re actually going, what success looks like, give them permission to be independent, and you give them the resources they need to get there. Think about the following:
→ Clear Objectives are specific, measurable, agreed, realistic, and time-bound (also exciting, rewarding and fun!)
→ Information (what information do they need to accomplish this) Answer: who, what, when and how?
→ Permission (hand over permission to make decisions)
→ Outcome (what is the outcome / success criteria you're looking to achieve)
→ Resources (ensure that they have the necessary resources and tools to do the task)
Step #5: Implement Delegation - HAND IT OFF
Handoff the task and let team members ask questions. Ask open questions and how they plan to tackle the task, This is all about connection & curiosity.
Step #6: Monitor Delegation
Check-in! Open the lines of communication in case they need help, and help them get better at priority-setting by asking them to get clear on next-day focus.
Step #7: Review, Evaluate & Adjust Your Expectations!
Constructive feedback is vital for the development of your team and feedback sessions are crucial. Sometimes, we need to adjust our expectations or shift items to other team members. Build a lot of curiosity and flexibility into this step.
Step #8: Just Keep Flexing
Remember, YOU want the individuals you hired to be successful in their role so that you can have the freedom and ease you crave. Flex the delegation muscle every day and you’ll get where you want to be. Allow time, connection and building a relationship to work together to improve this journey. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.
Need help with delegating?
Dot Rock Consulting can help hold you accountable and create clear direction as you learn to delegate to your team. Ready to get started? Book a free consulting call with us here.